Before the start of Oevaru there are multiple workshops that will conducted by our invited keynote speakers. These are aimed for professionals whose scope of work is rooted or based around mental health.
Date: 14th of October 2023
Vަenue: Meeruma Hall, Male'
There are 4 pre conference workshops scheduled with two taking place simultaneously in the morning and the remaining two happening in the afternoon. If you are unable to attend Oevaru but still interested in attending the pre-conference workshops you can separately register by only choosing the pre conference workshops in the registration page.
Click here to register for the pre-conference work shops and the conference.
Morning: 8:30am to 12:30pm
The following two workshops are scheduled for the morning.
1. Healing through Connection: a Transdiagnostic and Integrated Approach to Working with Young People
conducted by Dr. Shaystah Dean, Clinical Psychologist
The key objectives of this workshop are:
- To explore the role of the therapist in psychological intervention There will be a focus on engagement, the therapeutic relationship, and the state of the therapist.
- To introduce the core theoretical underpinnings of an integrated and transdiagnostic group intervention for adolescents.
- To identify and engage with tools and processes for effective delivery of an integrated group approach
2. Playing for Health and Wellbeing (Play Therapy)
conducted by Dr. Seetha Subbiah, Clinical Psychologist
The key objectives of this workshop are:
- The role of play in childhood and adolescence
- Play as a medium for establishing rapport and developing trust.
- The therapeutic value of play in therapy with children and adolescence.
- The role of different types of play in emotional and psychological health and healing in children.
- Making sense of play in therapy.
Afternoon: 1:00pm to 5:00pm
The following workshop is scheduled for the afternoon.
3. Risk is Everyone's Business: Managing Risk as a Stakeholder Team
conducted by Juana Katzer, Social Worker & Psychotherapist
The key objectives of this workshop are:
- To understand how to work with stakeholders using a systemic lens
- To understand how anxiety and vicarious trauma affects stakeholder teams when working together to support children and young people who are at high risk of self-harm, suicide or violence;
- How to develop a risk management plan as a stakeholder team when supporting high risk children and young people.
4. Introduction to Motivational Interviewing for practitioners
conducted by Dr. Shaystah Dean, Clinical Psychologist
The key objectives of this workshop are:
- To provide a comprehensive introduction to Motivational Interviewing (MI).
- Learn up-to-date information and be introduced to the fundamental skill set of MI, in order to help people engage in behaviour change. This workshop will be particularly valuable if you are working with others and are wanting to enhance your engagement skills, improve your listening skills, strengthen an individual’s motivation and help people engage in behaviour change.