When/where is Oevaru 2023 Mental Health Conference?
Oevaru 2023 Mental Health Conference will be held on 15-16th October 2023 at the in Maldives. The venue will be finalised soon and will be updated on the Conference website.
Who is the audience?
We welcome all relevant stakeholders to take part in the conference including researchers, planners, practitioners/clinicians, NGO, consumers and carers, and students.
What areas will be covered?
The conference intends to cover several areas including mental health policy and planning, clinical care, social science, cultural studies, and lived experiences.
Who should consider presenting?
We welcome presenters such as clinicians, public health specialists, academics, researchers, policy makers, students, and people with lived experiences of mental illnesses.
What types of presentations will be considered?
We welcome a wide range of presentations including original research, reviews of mental health-related issues, serviced organisational histories and descriptions both local and international), mental health advocacy, and accounts of lived experience of patients and carers.
What is the deadline for abstract submissions?
The deadline for abstract submissions is 31st July 2023 at midnight [Maldivian time- UTC+ 5 hours]
How can I submit my abstract?
To submit a session abstract, please visit our website and go to call for abstracts page. Follow the instructions provided and be sure to fill out all required fields.
May I include a table with my abstract?
No tables, figures, or images may be included in the abstract. Further details regarding format of the abstract will be made available through conference website.
How many presenters can be included in a session?
We prefer no more than 2 presenters per presentation, however if you would like to include more than 2, please contact the scientific committee.
Can I revise my abstract after it has been submitted?
You are able to make changes to your abstract until it enters the review process. Once your submission has been marked for review, you will not be able to make any changes.
Is there an abstract submission fee?
There is no fee to submit an abstract for a session or poster at Oevaru 2023. However, if your abstract gets accepted, presenters will need to pay for registration (which is planned to be at a subsidized rate)
What should I do if I would like to withdraw my abstract?
If you wish to withdraw your abstract, a written request must be submitted to the conference email.
When and how will I receive notification about the status of my abstract?
Notification regarding acceptance or denial of abstracts will be sent by email to the primary submitter by 30 August 2023.
What is the length of Oral Paper Presentation?
The allocated time for an oral presentation is 15 minutes. For a 15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes will be given for the presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A. The conference secretariat will inform you the exact time before the conference with the final reminder.
When should I submit my final presentation?
You have to send your final presentation to the conference secretariat two weeks prior to the conference. Make sure to bring a soft copy in a pen drive to the conference and handover to the IT desk before set time (will be notified later) of your presentation.
I have a question that isn’t answered above, who do I contact?
You may email scientific committee or cmh@igmh.gov.mv with any additional questions. Please allow 2-4 working days for responses.
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